sempena dengan nak beranak ni...
jom kita citer pasal pantang sket....
actually i've been go tru confinement period ni dah 2 kali
my first one in 2007 and second one in 2008
(**wahh..productive tu...:-p**)
by the way....bfore i'm getting married lagi saya adalah pengguna PB yang setia
but during my confinement period of my first baby...
mai x tau yang Premium Beautiful Corset ni boleh pakai dalam pantang
sbb takde sesiapa yang bagi tau
i bought PB just because utk cantik time kawen and nak shape badan la...apa lagi kan..hihi first...during my first baby...mai pakai traditional bengkung
yang lilit2 tu..yg mcm biasa org pakai tu...
experience...sangat seksa nak pakai..
duduk pun rimas..bergerak pun susah..haihhhh....tapi ape nak buat...
pakai je laaa...terpaksa...!!
memula pakai yang ni....
lepas tu pakai yang ni plak sbb yang first one tu mcm xde apa2 effect kat perut pun
this one...boleh menangis ooo nak pakai...
nak g toilet seksa
and mcm2 lagi la..end up...pakai on off ajerrrr....kuikuikui.....
BUT....after few weeks berpantang....
x silap mai dah sebulan lebih time tu...
google punye google....tetiba terbaca kat satu website ni...
premium beautiful corset boleh pakai time pantang
terkejut badak jugak mai time tu....
ape kes...corset aku utk melawa tu boley pakai dalam pantang eyhhh
so...i ask my hubby utk ambil corset tu kat rumah
and i give it a try....
end up i found a very gud result...
Premium beautiful corset sangat2 comfortable
nak pegi toilet..nak breastfeed..nak buat apa2 pun senang...
x perlu nak jalan ala2 jepun tu...heh
and nak pakai pun senang,,,
boleh pakai sendiri tanpa bantuan org lain
perut/rahim sentiasa rasa kemas,xde rasa goyang2 bila jalan
and dapat balik shape asal dalam masa few weeks shj....!!
memang amazing and magic...
sejak dari tu...memang kagum dengan PB ni...
x sangka ada function yg mcm2 selain utk cantik and shape badan..
i feel sooo happy that time
first sbb badan cepat reshape and loose weight
and lain...darah kotor cepat keluar..lagi lancar
keputihan mula kurang
rahim rasa kemas...and pada kedudukan yang betul
breastmilk production makin lancar...!!!
no strech mark...!!no cellulit....
tak sembelit and tak buasir....
best kan??best kan??
banyak problem yang boleh selesai dengan PB
and untill now..i just have 1 set of PB
dah pakai almost 5 years+++ all momiess and mummy to be out there...
trust me...u wont regret it..:-)
* this post is courtesy of my bizz partner Mai (thanks!)
call/text me at 017-3701412
for consultation
***make sure u all beli from PB authorized dealer,jgn tertipu dgn yang ciplak ye***
utk grab the great offer of PB...!!!
lepas ni xde dah offer mcm ni...
once in 18years....!!!